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study of old documentsの例文


  • the kenryu (qianlong ), kakei era was when the study of old documents flourished .
    乾隆・嘉慶 (中国)年間は考証学が隆盛した時代である。
  • research for documentation about reigaku later became part of the study of old documents .
  • it was the study of old documents which appeared in qing dynasty that strongly pointed out these defects .
  • their methodology eventually led to the birth of empirical studies on classics , or the study of old documents .
  • in 1839 , he returned to saga and learned the study of old documents at kodokan , and surgery at matsuo-juku .
  • their learning built the foundation for a study of old documents , which was an interpretive learning process based on positivism .
  • when control over qing stabilized , instead of practical learning , the study of old documents , which attempted to empirically interpret classics such as keisho , occurred .
  • the study of old documents was based on the ' empirical analysis approach ,' and seen from this perspective , past approaches to mokoku were too irresponsible to avoid criticism .
  • he advocated the historical science methodology , which modeled its methodology for the qing-style study of old documents , and based on this , he denied the existence of takanori kojima (a personage appears in " taiheiki " story ) as a real figure as well as the anecdotes related to masashige kusunoki , and thus , he was dubbed ' the doctor elimination .'
  • in a narrow sense , " kangaku " refers to traditional keigaku (study of keisho in confucianism ) and the study of old documents during the period of qin dynasty as opposed to neo-confucianism in the song and ming dynasties; in a broad sense , it is a general term for studies of knowledge imported from china , as opposed to western learning and the study of japanese classical culture .